September 21, 2005

It used to be...... by Tris

It used to be so easy. I could work it for 3 hours on top of my 7 hour day and still go to the gym afterwards. The money I was making was great, the respect was awesome, people screamed for me to do more...


Unfortunately I've run out of holiday allowance for this calendar year and with the boiler breaking I've found that I need to make up the hours I've taken off by working overtime.

It used to be so easy, I could sneeze and it would be 7PM. Now it is a complete drag.

Maybe it is because I'm not being paid any extra to work it, but I tell you, the motivation is severely lacking. I'm also bloody tired, which doesn't help matters. So I sit here knowing that I'm not leaving for another 3.5 hours and that I've got to do the same next week.

Oh man.

Fingers crossed I'll have hot water next week - I swear all this will be worthwhile if I do.

Posted by Tris at September 21, 2005 01:55 PM | TrackBack


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