October 27, 2005

Checking... by Tris

Like most people in the office, I have several different roles and responsibilities.

Of course, chatting and internet surfing are my major roles, but alongside those two I also act as a systems consultant, a technical consultant and a code reviewer (aka, QA). I have one last role in my job description, and that role is to code the more technical programs.

This last role has a bit of a conflict with my major responsibility.

My major responsibility is to review all code and processes going into our systems and make sure they're not going to break anything. This means that I have to tell people what is wrong with their programs, why it needs fixing and that they can't put it in until they've done it or they've told me why they can't.

Let me tell you, I've seen some corkers.

Now I've not gone power crazy, I haven't offended anyone or rubbed anyone the wrong way, in fact I think I'm doing ok. At least I haven't seen anyone burning Tilesey effigies in the walkways.

Unfortunately for me, it does mean that whatever I code has to be flawless.

And then of course, the crunch question - who checks the checker? The answer - someone I respect.

I've just submitted two programs - fingers crossed.

Posted by Tris at October 27, 2005 03:35 PM | TrackBack


The age old dilemma:

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

That's what I say in times like these.

Posted by: Geyv at October 27, 2005 03:49 PM

That's because you are a ponce Geyv.

Posted by: Jamesyboy at October 27, 2005 05:04 PM

Was there ever any doubt?

You're just mad because I got there first.

Posted by: Geyv at October 27, 2005 10:18 PM

I'm surprised James didn't add the famous phrase:

Gramen artificiosum odi

Posted by: Tilesey at October 28, 2005 06:55 AM

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