October 13, 2005

Blogaria... by Tris

I don't know, no posts for an entire week and suddenly I'm on post number three of the day. I'm not sure whether number two counted or not tho, either way, it was lame.

I'm going through a bit of blogsterpation at the moment. Unfortunately it is running along side a very unusual bout of constapation and to be honest, I'm not enjoying either. One is seemingly curable when chilli powder is added to a meal, and as for the blogsterpation - maybe I should get drunk more?

We seem to be doing a lot at the moment, so I would hope that this would generate some blogging material. In fact, I can't wait until our holiday so that I can just sit somewhere and relax.

This is one of the areas in which Celeste and I disagree. In my eyes, the ideal weekend would encompass doing as little as possible. Maybe a gym session, definately some PS2, perhaps meeting up with friends in the evening - if I have to. The complete opposite is true in Celeste's eyes. If we don't do something or go somewhere, then Celeste sees the weekend as a waste. Is this a man thing maybe? It isn't a major issue, it doesn't stop me loving her, it's just one of those things.

I don't know what the answer is to this, seemingly neither weekend lifestyle choice will generate decent blogging material!

Tilesey - you must try harder.

Posted by Tris at October 13, 2005 01:39 PM | TrackBack


Maybe a day of doing nothing and a day of adevntures? Thought personally I'm with you doing nothing rules.

Posted by: Geyv at October 13, 2005 05:32 PM

I'm with Celeste - I feel terribly guilty and decadent if I don't do anything at the weekend. Whereas Big is perfectly happy to be more or less motionless for days on end.

The exception is if I've had a string of busy weekends - then I'll allow myself to chill...

Posted by: anxious at October 13, 2005 09:53 PM

There are two days to a weekend deary, one for your thing, one for hers ;)

Posted by: silk at October 15, 2005 03:19 PM

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