October 06, 2005

Quality Bar... by Tris

As a programmer, there are some things you will have designed and coded during the course of your career that you're not proud of. Usually you can blame tight time scales, but deep down you know it was because simply put, you weren't good enough. Either you didn't think things through, or you let other people persuade you into doing something less than saintly, or the legacy system proved too complicated, either way, you're not proud of the outcome.

I can only imagine that this is the same in all other professions. I know for a fact that it applies to my DIY efforts as I can spend hours in my bathroom spotting errors yet Celeste states that it is excellent.

This weekend the quality bar is going to be raised, I'm heading up to my folks to tile their small bathroom's floor. I am an accomplished floor tile layer, having tiled both my bathroom and kitchen floors and have even been asked to tile my carpet fitter's floor. However, doing DIY in the, "King of DIY's" home is bloody scary. My dad's standards are far higher than any mere mortal's and he expects a certain level of competence. In fact, for me to even be asked to do any DIY, let alone tile anywhere in his house is a great compliment.

Needless to say, I'm worried about this weekend.

Posted by Tris at October 6, 2005 11:17 AM | TrackBack


I am now faced with a mental picture of your dad, looking very much like that "You don't wanna do it like that, you wanna do it like this" character from Harry Enfield.

Posted by: bedshaped at October 6, 2005 07:20 PM

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