September 26, 2005

Burgers... by Tris

I learnt an important lesson today:

Don't look at hamburger recipes at 0930.

The reason why you shouldn't do this is very simple - because by 0935, you'll be really hungry, really, really hungry and nothing but burger will do.

Celeste sweetie, guess what we're having tonight!!! (With chips and salad)

Posted by Tris at September 26, 2005 10:38 AM | TrackBack


...and then a certain someone sends me an email talking about steak sauce which i happen to read at 9.30am (local time which is 6 hours ahead for the uninitiated) and, whaddya know, by 9.35am the very same thing happens...

is this some sort of food meme? :P heh!

Posted by: Stigmata at September 26, 2005 04:40 PM

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